Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bersyukur Di Depan Teman-Teman | Giving Thanks Before Our Friends


Pembacaan Alkitab: Mazmur 107-109

Bersyukurlah kepada Tuhan sebab Ia baik! Banyak dari kita yang telah alami kebaikan Tuhan dan kesetiaan-Nya di dalam hidup kita. Marilah kita bersyukur kepada Tuhan akan semua itu. Mungkin kita telah mengalami jalan buntu dan Tuhan bukakan jalan atau pintu bagi kita. Mungkin kita mengalami tekanan jiwa dan depresi yang berat dan Tuhan memeluk dan menghibur kita sehingga kita kembali bersukacita. Mungkin kita bergumul akan masalah keuangan dan Tuhan mencukupi kebutuhan kita. Mungkin juga kita mengalami sakit dan Tuhan sembuhkan kita. Atau kita sudah berontak kepada Tuhan tetapi Tuhan tetap mengampuni dan menerima kita kemballi ketika kita bertobat. Dan banyak hal-hal lain yang kita telah alami bersama Tuhan. Dan sudah selayaknya kita memuji dan mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan. Tetapi bukan hanya itu saja, kita juga dapat memuji Tuhan dan mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan atas apa yang Tuhan lakukan di depan teman-teman kita yang belum percaya kepada Tuhan. Biarlah kita bersaksi akan kebaikan Tuhan kepada teman-teman kita sehingga merekapun ingin mengalami Tuhan dan nama Tuhan dimuliakan melalui kesaksian kita. Jadi, bersyukurlah kepada Tuhan, bukan hanya secara pribadi di hadapan Tuhan, tetapi juga di depan teman-teman kita yang juga tahu keadaan dan pergumulan kita, sehingga merekapun tahu akan kenyataan kuasa Tuhan yang menyelamatkan kita.


Bible Reading: Psalm 107-109

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good! Many of us have experienced the goodness of the Lord and His faithfulness in our lives. Let us give thanks to the Lord for all that. May be we have experienced a dead end and the Lord opened up a way or a door for us. Maybe we have experienced a oppressed and depressed heart and the Lord embraced and comforted us that we are joyful again. Maybe we have struggles in financial and the Lord fulfill our every needs. Maybe we also have experienced sickness and the Lor healed us. Or we have rebelled against the Lord but the Lord still forgives and receives us back when we repent. And there are many other experiences which we have gone through with the Lord. And we should praise and give thanks to the Lord for all that. But not only that, we too can praise and give thanks to the Lord for what He has done, in front of our friends who have not yet believed in the Lord. Let us testify of God's goodness to our friends that they too may want to experienced the Lord and the name of the Lord will be glorified through our testimony. So give thanks to the Lord and not only personally before the Lord, but also in front of our friends who also knows of our circumstances and struggles that they too may know the reality of the power of God which saves us.

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