Pembacaan Alkitab: Mazmur 21-22
Pernahkah kita merasa kita ditinggal oleh Tuhan? Pernahkah kita berseru-seru, tetapi sepertinya tidak ada jawaban dari Tuhan dan sepertinya Tuhan tidak mendengar kita? Atau pernahkah kita merasa tidak aman walaupun kita bersandar kepada Tuhan? Kita tidaklah seorang diri! Daudpun pernah merasakan hal yang sama. Bahkan Yesuspun juga merasakan hal yang sama. Jadi, bila demikian, bagaimanakah kita dapat melewati apapun yang kita alami? Jawabannya ada di dalam Mazmur Daud, sebab ia juga telah melewatinya dan sikap serta imannya yang memberikan Daud kekuatan untuk mengatasi apapun yang ia alami di saat kesesakannya. Daud tetap takut akan Tuhan dan ia tidak menghujat atau berbalik dari Tuhan. Daud tetap memuliakan Tuhan, tetap rendah hati dan mencari Tuhan. Sebab walaupun sepertinya Tuhan tidak menjawab, sepertinya Tuhan tidak mendengar, Daud memiliki iman bahwa Tuhan sebenarnya mendengar dan menjawab seruan hatinya. Inilah sumber kekuatan Daud, yakni iman kepada Tuhan yang tidak goyah, sehingga walaupun sepertinya kering, Daud tetap hidup seperti saat Tuhan menjawab langsung. Sebab Daud tidak menyembah Tuhan karena pertolongan-Nya saja, tetapi karena Tuhan adalah Allah. Dan biarlah kita juga belajar dari Daud demikian. Baik keadaan kita buruk ataupun baik, biarlah sikap kita dan hati kita terhadap Tuhan tetap sama dan tidak goyah. Justru di saat kesesakanlah iman kita diuji. Jadi, tetaplah mencari Tuhan, tetaplah rendah hati dan tetaplah bersandar kepada Tuhan.
Bible Reading: Psalms 21-22
Have we ever felt that we are left alone by God? Have we ever cried out but it seems that there are no answer from God and it seems that He did not hear us? Or have we ever felt insecure even though we relied on the Lord? We are not alone! David also experienced the same thing. Even Jesus also felt the same thing. If so, then how do we go through with whatever we are going through? THe answer is in the psalms of David, because he has experienced it and his attitude and faith are the things that is giving him the strength to overcome whatever he faced in his troubled times. David still feared God and he did not blaspheme or turn away from God. Daid kept glorifying the Lord, being humble and sought God. Because, even though it seems as if the Lord is not answering, that is seems as if He did not hear us, David had the faith that the Lord actually is listening and answering his heart's cry. This is the source of David's strength, that is firm faith to the Lord, such that even though it seems dry, David still lived as if the Lord answered him immediately. Because David did not worship the Lord just because of His help, but because the Lord is God. Let us also learn from David ere. Whether we are in good or bad situation, let our attitudes and hearts towards God stayed the same and firm. Because in troubled times, our faith is tested. So, keep on seeking the Lord, being humble and relying on the Lord.
Pembacaan Alkitab: Mazmur 21-22
Pernahkah kita merasa kita ditinggal oleh Tuhan? Pernahkah kita berseru-seru, tetapi sepertinya tidak ada jawaban dari Tuhan dan sepertinya Tuhan tidak mendengar kita? Atau pernahkah kita merasa tidak aman walaupun kita bersandar kepada Tuhan? Kita tidaklah seorang diri! Daudpun pernah merasakan hal yang sama. Bahkan Yesuspun juga merasakan hal yang sama. Jadi, bila demikian, bagaimanakah kita dapat melewati apapun yang kita alami? Jawabannya ada di dalam Mazmur Daud, sebab ia juga telah melewatinya dan sikap serta imannya yang memberikan Daud kekuatan untuk mengatasi apapun yang ia alami di saat kesesakannya. Daud tetap takut akan Tuhan dan ia tidak menghujat atau berbalik dari Tuhan. Daud tetap memuliakan Tuhan, tetap rendah hati dan mencari Tuhan. Sebab walaupun sepertinya Tuhan tidak menjawab, sepertinya Tuhan tidak mendengar, Daud memiliki iman bahwa Tuhan sebenarnya mendengar dan menjawab seruan hatinya. Inilah sumber kekuatan Daud, yakni iman kepada Tuhan yang tidak goyah, sehingga walaupun sepertinya kering, Daud tetap hidup seperti saat Tuhan menjawab langsung. Sebab Daud tidak menyembah Tuhan karena pertolongan-Nya saja, tetapi karena Tuhan adalah Allah. Dan biarlah kita juga belajar dari Daud demikian. Baik keadaan kita buruk ataupun baik, biarlah sikap kita dan hati kita terhadap Tuhan tetap sama dan tidak goyah. Justru di saat kesesakanlah iman kita diuji. Jadi, tetaplah mencari Tuhan, tetaplah rendah hati dan tetaplah bersandar kepada Tuhan.
Bible Reading: Psalms 21-22
Have we ever felt that we are left alone by God? Have we ever cried out but it seems that there are no answer from God and it seems that He did not hear us? Or have we ever felt insecure even though we relied on the Lord? We are not alone! David also experienced the same thing. Even Jesus also felt the same thing. If so, then how do we go through with whatever we are going through? THe answer is in the psalms of David, because he has experienced it and his attitude and faith are the things that is giving him the strength to overcome whatever he faced in his troubled times. David still feared God and he did not blaspheme or turn away from God. Daid kept glorifying the Lord, being humble and sought God. Because, even though it seems as if the Lord is not answering, that is seems as if He did not hear us, David had the faith that the Lord actually is listening and answering his heart's cry. This is the source of David's strength, that is firm faith to the Lord, such that even though it seems dry, David still lived as if the Lord answered him immediately. Because David did not worship the Lord just because of His help, but because the Lord is God. Let us also learn from David ere. Whether we are in good or bad situation, let our attitudes and hearts towards God stayed the same and firm. Because in troubled times, our faith is tested. So, keep on seeking the Lord, being humble and relying on the Lord.