Friday, February 10, 2012

Teguran | Rebuke


Pembacaan Alkitab: Kisah Para Rasul 7

Setelah Stefanus berbicara tentang kebenaran Tuhan dan Firman-Nya, kita lihat bahwa para mahkamah agama tertusuk hatinya, yakni mereka tertegur dan mereka tidak menerima teguran itu. Apa yang Stefanus katakan adalah kebenaran Firman Tuhan yang tertulis pada kitab-kitab perjanjian lama yang ditulis oleh Musa, raja-raja dan para nabi. Dan teguran yang Tuhan sampaikan melalui para nabi diulang kembali oleh Stefanus di sini. Langkah yang diambil oleh para mahkamah agama setelah mereka tertegur oleh Firman Tuhan, mereka menjadi sakit hati, tidak dapat menerima teguran itu dan mereka melempari Stefanus dengan batu sampai mati. Para mahkamah agama tidak dapat menerima teguran karena mereka merasa diri mereka benar dan dengan ditegur, mereka mungkin berasa bahwa harga diri mereka dilucuti, bahwa yang selama ini mereka percaya, yakni bahwa mereka selalu benar, adalah salah dan mereka bukannya bertobat, tetapi karena kesombongan dan harga diri, mereka malahan sakit hati dan membunuh Stefanus.

Bagaimana dengan kita, dengan sikap hati kita ketika kita ditegur? Tentunya ketika kita ditegur, tidaklah enak. Tetapi apakah kita rela ditegur, rela untuk diajar, dikoreksi? Ataukah kita terlalu sombong dan tinggi hati sehingga kita merasa ktia selalu benar dan tidak pernah salah? Ataukah juga walaupun kita tahu kita salah karena memang kita merasa tertegur, tetapi kita tidak mau bertobat karena harga diri, rasa malu dan kesombongan kita? Marilah kita periksa sikap hati dan karakter kita ketika kita ditegur. Marilah kita jangan seperti para mahkamah agama yang karena lebih mementingkan muka, posisi, harga diri dan karena kesombongan mereka, mereka tidak mau bertobat. Biarlah bila kita ditegur oleh Tuhan melalui Firman-Nya, khotbah yang kita dengar, ataupun melalui sesama kita, janganlah kita menutup hati, janganlah kita mementingkan muka kita di hadapan orang lain, tetapi pentingkanlah hati kita di hadapan Tuhan dan biarlah kita bertobat. Jadi, sikap seperti apakah yang akan kita ambil dan hidupi ketika kita ditegur? Apakah yang akan menjadi respon kita ketika kita ditegur dengan keras? Marilah kita belajar seperti Stefanus dan bukan seperti para mahkamah agama.


Bible Reading: Acts 7

After Stephen talks about the truth of God and His Words, we can see that the teachers of the law were cut to the heart, they were rebuked and they rejected it. What Stephen said was the truth of the Word of God written in the Old Tetaments written by Moses, kings and prophets. And the rebuke that the Lord gave through the prophets was repeated by Stephen here. The steps that the teachers of the loaw took after they were rebuked by the Word of God was, they were hurt, could not receive the rebuke and they stoned Stephen to death. The teachers of the law could not take the rebuke because they felt that they were righteous and by being rebuke they maybe feel that their pride that they believe in so far, that they were always right was wrong, and they did not repent but because of their boastfulness, proudness and pride, they was cut to the heart and killed Stephen.

How about us, about how we would respond when we are rebuked? Of course when we are rebuked, it's not a good feeling. But are we willing to be rebuked, willing to be taught and corrected? Or are we too proud and boastful that we feel that we are always right and never wrong? Or do we know that we are wrong, but we do not want to repent because of pride, shame and our boastfulness? Let us check our heart's attitude and characters when we are rebuked. Let us not be like the teachers of the law who puts priority upon their image, position and pride and because of their boastfulness, they do not want to repent. If we are rebuked by the Word of God or through the sermons we hear, or through our brethren, do not close our hearts, do not prioritise our image, but prioritise our hearts before the Lord and let us repent. So, what kin of attitude will we adopt when we are rebuked? What will be our respond when we are rebuked harshly? Let us learn to be like Stephen and not like the teachers of the law.

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