Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Membuang Adat Istiadat Yang Bertentangan | Throwing Away Traditions That Is Opposing


Pembacaan Alkitab: 2Raja-Raja 17-18

Setelah Raja Asyur mengalahkan bangsa Israel kecuali bangsa Yehuda, ia membawa tawanan-tawanannya yang dari Babel, Kuta, Awa, Hamat dan Sefarwaim. Bangsa-bangsa ini tidak mengenal Tuhan tetapi mereka disuruh tinggal di kota-kota milik Tuhan. Walaupun mereka sudah diajarkan akan jalan Tuhan, tetapi mereka tetap mengikuti adat istiadat mereka dan beribadah kepada allah-allah dan dewa-dewa lain. Walaupun telah di ajarkan agar mereka tidak berbakti kepada allah lain selain daripada Tuhan, mereka hanya mendengarkan sebagian saja. Mereka berbakti kepada Tuhan dan juga kepada dewa-dewa mereka.

Seringkali kita berlaku sama dengan bangsa-bangsa ini. Seperti mereka, kita juga bukanlah keturunan Israel secara daging, tetapi orang yang percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus sebagai satu-satunya Tuhan dan Juru Selamat dalam hidupnya, maka ia menjadi keturunan Israel secara rohani. Tetapi sayangnya, banyak dari kita masih memegang adat istiadat kehidupan kita yang lama dan juga kebiasaan-kebiasaan kita yang lama. Kita masih menyembah yang lain selain daripada Tuhan. Seperti kita tidak dapat berdiri di dua perahu yang menuju ke arah yang berlawanan, kita tidak dapat mengikuti dua tuan. Jadi, marilah kita periksa, apa saja yang masih kita pegang dari kehidupan kita yang lama, yang bertentangan dengan kebenaran Tuhan. Biarlah kita buang semua itu sehingga kita dapat mengalami Tuhan secara penuh.


Bible Reading: 2Kings 17-18

After King Assyria defeated Israel except for Judah, he brought people from Babylon, Kuthah, Awa, Hamath, and Sepharvaim. These people does not know the Lord but they were told to live in the cities of the Lord. Even though they have been taught about the way of the Lord, they still followed their tradition and worship other gods. Even though they have been taught so that they wouldn't worship other gods, but only worship the Lord, they only listen to part of it. They worship the Lord, but they also worship their gods.

Many times we act the same way like these nations. Like them, we are also not descendants of Israel by flesh, but those who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Saviour in their lives, they will become descendants of Israel spiritually. Unfortunately, many of us still hold on to the traditions and habits of our old lives. We are still worshiping others, other than the Lord. Just as we cannot stand on two boats which are heading towards opposite directions, so are we cannot follow two masters. So, let us check our lives, what are the things that we still hold on to from our old lives, that is opposing the truth of the Lord. Let us throw away all that so that we may experience the Lord wholly.

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