Monday, October 24, 2011

Berseru-Seru Kepada Tuhan Bagi Kemuliaan-Nya | Crying Out To The Lord For His Glory


Pembacaan Alkitab: 1Raja-Raja 8

Salomo berdoa kepada Tuhan setelah rumah Tuhan itu jadi. Salomo meminta kepada Tuhan agar Ia mendengarkan doa-doa dan seruan bangsa Israel maupun orang asing yang datang kepada rumah Tuhan atau yang berdoa menghadap rumah Tuhan, agar nama Tuhan dimuliakan di bumi. Apapun keadaannya, apapun yang dihadapi, Salomo meminta agar Tuhan mendengarkan dan menjawab doa-doa dan seruan orang-orang.

Tetapi pada jaman sekarang ini, tidak ada lagi rumah Tuhan yang Salomo bangun, yang ada hanyalah reruntuhan. Tetapi Tuhan Yesus Kristus telah mati untuk kita semua dan dengan kematian dan kebangkitan-Nya Ia menjadi Mediator dan Penyelamat kita. Oleh karena itu kita dapat menaikkan doa-doa dan seruan kita kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Sama seperti apa yang Salomo doakan, yakni apapun keadaan kita, apapun yang kita hadapi, bila kita datang kepada Tuhan dan berdoa, berseru kepada-Nya, maka Ia akan mendengarkan dan menjawab kita. Tetapi ingatlah bahwa Tuhan ijinkan hal-hal yang kita alami terjadi agar kita mencari Tuhan seperti yang Salomo doakan. Dan juga semua itu agar melalui kehidupan kita yang bersandar dan percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Tuhan dapat dimuliakan di atas bumi dan agar semua orang mengenal kebesaran dan kemuliaan-Nya.

Oleh karena itu, marilah kita tidak berhenti-hentinya berdoa dan berseru-seru kepada Tuhan dalam segala hal. Bukan hanya agar masalah kita terselesaikan, tetapi agar kita makin dekat dengan Tuhan dan agar melalui kehidupan kita kemuliaan-Nya terpancarkan.


Bible Reading: 1Kings 8

Solomon prayed to the Lord after the house of the Lord was completed. Solomon asked the Lord so that He would hear the prayers and cries of Israelites and other nations who comes to the house of the Lord or who prays towards the house of the Lord, so that the name of the Lord be glorified on earth. Whatever the circumstances, whatever that they are facing, Solomon asks so that the Lord would hear and answer the prayers and cries of the people.

But nowadays, the house of the Lord is no more, what's left are only rubble. But the Lord Jesus Christ has died for us all and through His death and resurrection, He became our Mediator and Saviour. So, we can lift up our prayers and cries to the Lord Jesus Christ. Just like what Solomon prayed, that is, whatever our circumstances, whatever it is that we are facing, if we come tot he Lord and pray, cries out to Him, then He will listen and answers us. But remember that the Lord allowed the things we are facing to happen so that we would seek the Lord just as Solomon prayed. And all of that is also so that through our lives that relies and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord may be glorified on earth and so that everyone may know His greatness and glory.

Therefore, let us not stop praying and crying out to the Lord in all things. Not only so that our problem is solved, but so that we would grow closer to the Lord and that through our lives His glory is reflected.

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