Pembacaan Alkitab: Markus 16
Sebelum Tuhan naik ke surga setelah kebangkitan-Nya, Tuhan memerintahkan kepada murid-murid-Nya untuk mereka memberitakan Injil keselamatan kepada bangsa-bangsa dan bahwa tanda-tanda mujizat dan kuasa Tuhan akan menyertai mereka ke manapun mereka pergi. Tanda-tanda itu seperti menyembuhkan orang sakit, mengusir setan dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus, kita akan selamat walaupun bahaya datang menyerang kita dan sebagainya. Dan dikatakan bahwa ketika murid-murid-Nya melakukan Firman Tuhan,yakni memberitakan Injil keselamatan, Tuhan menetapi janji-Nya dan tanda-tanda ini menyertai mereka semua.
Jadi, kita sebagai orang percaya juga, janganlah kita takut untuk menginjil, tetapi percaya dan berimanlah bahwa saat kita mengjinjil, kita memuliakan nama Tuhan dan Tuhan yang akan menyertai kita dengan kuasa Roh Kudus-Nya dan tanda-tanda mujizat-Nya. Sehingga melalui tanda-tanda ini orang banyak dapat percaya kepada Injil Keselamatan, bertobat dan dibaptis. Oleh sebab itu, marilah kita giat dalam memberitakan Injil Keselamatan kepada orang-orang yang Tuhan taruh di sekitar kita dan orang-orang yang kita temui baik di jalan atau di manapun juga. Biarlah kita melakukan Firman Tuhan dan saksikan sendiri kuasa dan janji Tuhan.
Bible Reading: Mark 16
Before the Lord went up to heaven after His resurrection, the Lord commanded His disciples for them to preach the Gospel of Salvation to nations and that signs and wonders and power of God will follow them whereever they go. These signs and wonders includes healing the sick, casting out demons in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, being safe regardless of all the danger that may come to attack us and etc. It is also said that when the disciples did as the Word of the Lord, that is to preach the Gospel of Salvation, the Lord kept His promises and these signs and wonders followed them all.
So, we as believers too, do not be afraid to evangelize, but believe and have faith that when we evangelize, we are glorifying the name of the Lord and that the Lord will be with us with the power of the HOly SPirit and his signs and wonders. So that through these signs and wonders, many people may come to believe in the Gospel of Salvation, repent and be baptized. Therefore, let us be more diligent in preaching the Gospel of Salvation to the people that the Lord has placed around us and those we meet on the streets or whereever. Let us do the Word of the Lord and see it for ourselves the power and promises of the Lord.
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